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Steal My Ideas


There are a lot of things to write, and very little time. These posts are all forth-coming, but not done yet!

  • Future of Wallets: It seems like we're eventually going to be in a world of smart contract wallets, especially with account abstraction. But no one seems to be doing it! There's just Argent on Ethereum and no one on Solana! Why is this?
  • Frequent Batch Auctions in Crypto: Central limit orderbooks are king in traditional finance, and are the best for liquidity and price discovery. Crypto is tough to scale and has a natural quantization by block time, making it a natural test-bed for frequent batch auctions. Make a case for it, building on the works of Budish. Currently there is almost no one doing this on a performant chain, and basically just Matcha on Ethereum.
  • Why is insulin so expensive? People keep creating patents for fancier and fancier insulin, but the OG insulin patents are up. Why can't a company produce the OG product and make a killing?
  • Parsimony: There's a sort of souped up version of Occam's razor and I see traces of it in disciplines ranging from evolutionary biology to machine learning to linguistics. Say more!